Learning resources

There are online resources that can help you learn choral parts – here are some examples:

  • Cyberbass.com – Synthetic instruments play your part loudly and other parts quietly.
  • Choralia – It renders your part in a robot voice; you can play your part louder and adjust the speed.
  • learnchoralmusic.co.uk – You can download files and use them offline (you have to pay for that at Cyberbass).
  • Musicwoofer on Soundcloud – There seem to be real performances sung by soloists, with the volume turned up on the voice of your choice.
  • John Fletcher music – You can register this website for free to gain access to out-of-copyright works.

Do you know anything better?

If you’ve got any more suggestions of good sites for practising choral parts at home, let us know and we’ll share them here.