We’re already looking forward to our Spring concert. Get the dates in your diary, and if you’re thinking of joining us for the first time, get in touch!
First rehearsal: Tuesday 8 January 2019 – get there for 7pm to register and pick up your music
Concert: Saturday 23 March 2019
We’ll be singing Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle. Check it out:
New to the choir?
We rehearse on Tuesday evenings during school term time at William Ellis school, Highgate, London NW5 1RN.
We welcome new singers to join us – there’s no need to audition, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t read music. We welcome all voices but in particular, we could do with more tenors – you don’t have to be Pavarotti, just keen to learn and sing in harmony. Join our mailing list to hear more about the choir and get a reminder to come along to our first rehearsal in January – simply drop an email to our Secretary.
You can also join our Facebook group – it’s called North Camden Chorus.
We look forward to seeing members old and new in the New Year!