Spring term 2019

We’re already looking forward to our Spring concert. Get the dates in your diary, and if you’re thinking of joining us for the first time, get in touch!

First rehearsal: Tuesday 8 January 2019 – get there for 7pm to register and pick up your music

Concert: Saturday 23 March 2019

We’ll be singing Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle. Check it out:

New to the choir?

We rehearse on Tuesday evenings during school term time at William Ellis school, Highgate, London NW5 1RN.

We welcome new singers to join us – there’s no need to audition, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t read music. We welcome all voices but in particular, we could do with more tenors – you don’t have to be Pavarotti, just keen to learn and sing in harmony. Join our mailing list to hear more about the choir and get a reminder to come along to our first rehearsal in January – simply drop an email to our Secretary.

You can also join our Facebook group – it’s called North Camden Chorus.

We look forward to seeing members old and new in the New Year!