Stands and sits for our concert

Take note of when you need to stand and sit during our concert. Pencil it in your music copies.

  • Stand on entrance of conductor and soloists and remain standing for Kyrie right the way to the end of the Laudamus Te.
  • Sit for Gratius Agimus, Domine Deus, Qui Tollis and Quonium
  • Stand on first chord of Cum Sancto Spiritu. Remain standing for bows at end of first half

10 minute interval

  • Stand on entrance of soloists and conductor for start of 2nd half and Credo
  • Sit at end of Credo and for Crucifixus.
  • Stand for Et Resurrexit and remain standing for Et Vitam
  • Sit for Prelude Religieux
  • Stand before Ritournelle ready for Sanctus.
  • Sit for O Salutaris.
  • Stand for Agnus Dei to the end.