Tonight’s the night – our Spring concert

It’s concert day!

Tonight, Saturday 23 March, we’ll be singing Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle at St Mary Brookfield church, Dartmouth Park Rd, Highgate, London NW5 1SL.

The concert will start at 7.30pm and tickets are £12 each (£10 concessions).


Singers: please arrive at the church by 2.15pm ready for rehearsal at 2.30pm.

Rehearsal should finish by 5.30pm.

Please get back to the church for the concert before 7.15pm.

Concert dress is all black: gentlemen, please wear long sleeves.

After we’ve sung (and left our scores to be collected) we have wine and a buffet of finger food for our audience and ourselves. We buy in the wine, but the food is brought in by you: please all bring something you and our audience members can eat.

And of course, it’s not too late to encourage loved ones, neighbours, old friends or the person you talk to on the bus to turn out for an uplifting evening of singing.